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Join the March Charge & Save Lives

Feb 16, 2022

Join the March Charge & Save Lives

Two in five Australians will be diagnosed with some form of cancer by the age of 85, and it is estimated that one in six males and one in seven females will die of the disease. According to research, the leading cause of cancer death in the country is lung cancer, followed by bowel cancer. Join the March Charge, a month-long fitness challenge that allows you to achieve your measurable fitness goal while also giving hope to cancer patients and their families.

What is the Story Behind the March Charge?

Cancer Council Australia created the March Charge, a fitness fundraising challenge that runs from March 1 to March 31, 2022, in the hopes of raising awareness for cancer and funds to achieve a breakthrough in the search for a cure. 

Millions of people die from complications related to cancer across the world. Cancer Council feels that it is everyone's responsibility to do what we can to make sure no one else dies unnecessarily because it's possible to tackle this deadly disease, regardless of type, together. With the March Charge, the Cancer Council aims to raise funds for cancer research and help cancer sufferers by providing them with the appropriate care and cancer treatment to ease their pain.

In this virtual month-long fitness challenge, everyone is urged to step up and work on their personal fitness goal, which can have an enormous impact on their lives in terms of reducing their cancer risk. What's more, every dollar raised from your efforts will go a long way towards lessening the impact of cancer on millions of children and adults.

Cancer Council Research Highlights

Source: Cancer Council Australia

How Can You Get Involved in the March Charge?

If you're ready to join the fight against cancer, register for the March Charge as an individual or as a team and make this fun fitness challenge one for the books. You can tag along your friends and family members, or encourage your colleagues from different departments to form teams and compete against one other. What could be more fun than a friendly match at the workplace by department? This is something that everyone can benefit from regardless of their fitness levels.

Highly competitive? You can create a kilometre challenge or incorporate this virtual event into a charity sporting event in your community.

If you're not the athletic type but want to help every cancer patient in Australia, you can donate to cancer prevention programs or support various cancer organisations' advocacy campaigns by spreading the word on social media. You can also hold podcasts, make blog articles or join forum boards to highlight the importance of living a healthy lifestyle to avoid the risk of cancer.

Tips to Ensure the Success of Your March Charge

Now if you're dead set on going out there and taking your fitness activity to a higher notch, here are some helpful tips to ensure that you smash it:

  • Set a goal of how much you want to achieve and stick to it
  • Have an official T-shirt to serve as your fitness motivation
  • Come up with name for your team because this is another way to push yourself to succeed
  • Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the challenge
  • Don't forget to take breaks because rest is just as important as exercise
  • Look for sponsorship or ask local businesses to help support your cause

The March Charge is no doubt a great opportunity to show your support for people with cancer and be one with friends, family or workmates in working towards saving lives from cancer.

FAQs About March Charge 2022

How far do I have to go in the March Charge?

The March Charge is a personal fitness challenge, not a race against others. It's up to you to figure out how far you need to run or walk to achieve your fitness goal. You can go 30, 50 or 100 kilometres, or even farther. If you feel your goal is too high or low, you can change it at any time.

How do I raise funds for the March Charge?

To raise funds for life-saving cancer research programs, you can receive donations through your fundraising page. You can also donate to the Cancer Council directly.

Can I use the gym instead of running outdoors?

You definitely can. It doesn't matter where you run so long as you log the number of kilometres you've done on your dashboard page. You can even do a hybrid workout challenge that incorporates both indoor and outdoor activities.

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