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How to Find & Make Time to Relax for Your Mind, Body & Spirit

Health Tips
Last Updated Mar 14, 2022

How to Find & Make Time to Relax for Your Mind, Body & Spirit

In this day and age, it's easy to feel that the demands of your lifestyle are all-encompassing, leaving you with little time to relax. However, it is important to find time to relax and de-stress, as an overstressed body is bad for the mind, body and spirit.

Improve Your Relaxation – Be Aware of Stressors

Every person has their own warning signs that are triggered when they are becoming overwhelmed by stress. The key is recognising these before your stress levels start doing you damage. Some key warning signs include:

  • Reduced clarity of thought
  • Difficulty concentrating or communicating with others
  • Tiredness
  • Irritability
  • Becoming more susceptible to colds and flu
  • The temptation to turn to alcohol or food as a stress response
  • Poor self-esteem
  • Lowered confidence

If you do feel yourself becoming stressed, it is important to schedule a few minutes in your day to try and relieve this, even if it is as little as 10 minutes. Some easy relaxation techniques include deep breathing, meditation, some quiet time reading a magazine, or taking an aromatherapy bath.

How to Make Time for Relaxation

Relaxation time is a period of time during which you can relax and de-stress. It can be beneficial for physical and mental health as it can be used to relieve tension and anxiety, and it can help improve your overall wellbeing. There are many different ways to relax, and finding the right one for you is important. You may want to try different activities until you find what works best for you.

Some people find relaxation through activities like reading, meditating or listening to music. Others find relief through exercise or spending time outdoors. Whatever works best for you is what's important. The key is to make time for relaxation and to use it regularly. We list below some tips on how you can find time to unwind. 

Schedule Time for Your Own Relaxation

Stress is unavoidable and it is for this reason that we need to create a resource bank that we can rely upon. It is not about taking time away from important activities, but rather scheduling time in your daily routine to look after yourself, whether it be for eating well, leisure activities that you enjoy, seeing friends, or getting some exercise. Some easy ideas include:

  • Aim to eat healthily but still allow for a few indulgences.
  • Leave work on time – this will create a better work/life balance and stop you from taking work home. If you still have work to do, make a to-do list and rest assured knowing that you will have a plan for when you get back to the office in the morning.
  • Between projects or tasks, schedule yourself a break so that you can take a quick walk or do something that is completely unrelated to the task at hand.
  • Step away from the computer! Taking short breaks to get a drink or to do some breathing exercises is a great way to recharge your mind, body and spirit. It allows your eyes to rest and keeps your brain feeling more alert.
  • Make time for exercise that you enjoy. Exercise is a great way to work out the frustrations of the day and it doesn't have to mean sweating it out in a gym. The beach, walking, dancing, yoga, swimming, or any other option all work equally well and you will feel better physically as well as mentally.
  • Allow time for visualisation. Visualising your favourite place, person or memory will allow your brain to process the information that it has received and you'll also get the benefits of endorphins or happy hormones flowing through the body and countering the effects of stress hormones.
Relaxing after work tipsSource:

Create Your Own Space at Home

Whether it is a favourite room, chair, or even the bathtub, knowing that you have a space that you can retreat to is often a stress reliever in itself. It is important to have your own relaxation place because it can help you reduce stress and anxiety. When you have a place to go where you can relax and de-stress, it can make it easier for you to deal with stressful situations. Having a relaxation place can also help improve your mood, sleep quality and overall health. 

Get Rid of Clutter

Clutter not only takes up space in your home but it can also be mentally and emotionally draining. Clearing out unnecessary objects can make room for relaxation. This might mean organising your closet, donating clothes you don't wear anymore, or selling old books and DVDs. Getting rid of any clutter that doesn't serve a purpose in your home will bring you one step closer to finding the relaxation time you need.

Plan an Evening Out with Friends

An evening out doesn't have to involve alcohol or staying out late. Instead, try planning an activity that you all enjoy, like going to a museum or playing games at a park. Not only will it reduce your stress levels, but it also provides an opportunity to catch up with people in your life that really matter.

Even with a busy schedule, it's important to find time for relaxation. Incorporating a few of the tips listed above into your day can help make relaxation more accessible and less daunting. When you take the time to relax, you'll feel more refreshed and be able to replenish your energy reserves to tackle whatever comes your way.

Originally published on Apr 22, 2010

FAQs About Relaxing

What to do when you don't have time to relax?

If your work schedule is jam-packed and you can't find a few minutes for some relaxation exercises, make sure you get enough sleep, eat a good diet, and exercise often, such as after work. Relaxation is not an option; it is a requirement for optimum health.

How can I relax my mind in 5 minutes?

There are few simple but effective ways to relax your mind in five minutes. Catching up with a buddy on the phone, squeezing a stress ball, patting your dog or cat, eating a piece of dark chocolate, or drinking a cup of chamomile tea are all effective approaches.

What is a relaxing hobby?

There are many things that you can do to de-stress, including reading and baking. However, according to studies, more than 90% of those polled put knitting at the top of their must-do list. Fishing, writing and painting were also included.

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