Most of us take the floppy pair of appendages on the sides of our heads for granted. Our ears are after all the gateway to our brains, providing an aural connection with the neurons and intricate pathways of our hallowed grey matter. Furthermore the relationship that exists between listening or auditory processing and communication is also significant. ntpages caught up with Rafaele Joudry, founder and director of Sound Therapy – a listening program designed to improve ear and brain health.
Tell us more about the ear-brain connection and how it affects our brains performance?
“The pioneering work done by Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis showed that the ear is a complex organ that is interwoven into our anatomy and nervous system. It is crucial in that it is fundamental to stimulating the brain. We have also learnt that high frequencies recharge the brain, while low frequencies tend to drain and tire us.”
What is Sound Therapy?
“Sound Therapy is a listening program to improve ear and brain health. By stimulating the auditory pathways and the brain with high frequency sounds it improves hearing and auditory processing. This is achieved via the use of classical music and gentle frequencies which create a beautiful aura that helps to improve the functioning of the ear and brain.”
How does the sound programme help to build new brain pathways?
“It is basically a form of exercise and toning for the ear – call it aerobics for the ear, using extra high frequency sounds to achieve this.”
How do I actually access the listening program?
“Via a quality portable player and headphones – so it is extremely easy to integrate into your life.”
What benefits can Sound Therapy have?
“Listeners report a wide range of benefits from better hearing in a noisy room to improved concentration, focus and memory. Sound Therapy can also improve learning and academic performance, balance and co-ordination and provide relief from dizziness and vertigo. There is a general feeling that the brain is sharper and communication is easier.”
What problems do people come to you with?
“Tinnitus is the most common issue people have – but everything else from blocked ear, dizziness, stress and anxiety to learning difficulties. Others simply want to improve themselves and use our listening programs to achieve this.”
Is it able to offer remedial treatment – say for hearing loss from birth for example?
“Yes. Muscles that were previously inactive or functioning poorly are now stimulated and able to process more signals.”
And it is suitable for all ages?
“Yes, absolutely – we have listening programs for people of all ages, including children.”
Over what timeframe should I see results?
“People often report a better night's sleep right from the start. Otherwise we typically advise people to try Sound Therapy for six weeks to experience discernible results.”
You believe nutrition is crucial for ear health – tell us a bit more about this.
“Our ears are incredibly nutrient hungry, so we recommend supplements that contain colloidal minerals and antioxidants.”
Originally published on Oct 25, 2011