Headaches can range from slightly annoying to completely debilitating. Headaches have many causes and it is thought that up to 90% of people have suffered from or will suffer from a tension headache, one of the most common forms of headache.
Then of course there are migraines – searing, light-sensitive and sometimes including nausea and vomiting. They are the second most common form of headache. Other types of headaches include cluster headaches or those caused by structural problems.
Whatever the cause, they can affect the sufferer’s quality of life, and, particularly if they are frequent it can be inconvenient or even harmful to continue to take medication.
How Can Kinesiology Help?
Kinesiology combines the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the technique of muscle testing. By getting feedback from the muscles, the therapist is able to identify what is happening on the structural, mental, chemical and emotional levels of the person.
For someone suffering headaches, the kinesiologist will look the whole person, not just the symptoms. They will obviously look for structural imbalances, as headaches can be caused by a misalignment, but they will also look at what emotions bring up the most stress and tension and why. External factors are always taken into consideration.
The therapist will ask you to contract, simply by bending, particular muscles, which may or may not be directly connected to the head and skull. If the muscle shows weakness in response to stimuli, for instance thinking about issues or emotions, the therapist will be able to tell where an energy blockage or imbalance is.
The kinesiologist will balance the body using different methods, depending on what has been identified as the main cause of the headaches.
Your body’s in-built healing ability can then be activated to clear the energetic blocks. Many people have reported fantastic results from kinesiology sessions, sometimes from the very first session.
Find a kinesiologist in your local area.
Do you have a passion for Kinesiology? Would you love to turn your passion for Kinesiology into a rewarding career? Check out the information we have available on what the Kinesiology course involves and thousands of other Natural Therapy Courses we have available online and throughout Australia. Why not let us help you find the right course for you today on 1300 924 960 |