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How to Skip: Skipping as Exercise

Health Tips
Last Updated Apr 01, 2021

How to Skip: Skipping as Exercise

Do you remember enjoying endless skipping sessions at school? Well, skipping isn't just reserved for the playground. It's a fantastic workout that can deliver a whole host of fitness benefits. Unsure of how to jump rope? Just follow our step-by-step guide.

Why Skip?

Skipping is low impact and high intensity, which means it isn't hard on joints but burns plenty of calories and tones your muscles. Plus, it's a whole lotta fun!

Skipping Equipment

The beauty of skipping is that you don't need a costly gym membership to enjoy it. Simply skip (or walk) down to your local sports store and pick out the cutest rope you can find. Expect to shell out between $10 and $30, depending on the rope brand and quality.

To fit your rope, stand on the middle of it and ensure the ends reach your armpits. If it's too long, you can adjust the rope by tying a knot around a handle.

Simple Skips

When starting out, begin with a basic skip. Here's how to do it:

  1. Place the rope behind your body and keep your arms at your sides. This is the starting and stopping position for any rope routine.
  2. Turn the rope with your wrists, and bring it over the top of your head.
  3. When the rope nears your feet, jump over it, keeping your knees slightly bent to prevent injury.
  4. Land on the balls of your feet and return to the starting position.
  5. Continue steps 1 to 4 until you feel breathless. Aim to build up the number of jumps over time to improve your fitness.

Fancy Footwork

Once you've mastered the basic skip, you can try criss-crossing the rope in front of you. Other complex routines include skipping on one leg, skipping in reverse and jumping to the side. Aim to increase the number of sets and reps, to improve your fitness and get skipping like a pro!

Originally published on May 29, 2013

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