Are you aware how much radiation your cell phone emits? While there are no confirmed healths risks associated with the frequent use of a mobile phone, some studies have suggested an increased risk of brain and mouth tumours, as well as behavioural problems in children. Mobile phones are just one of many electronic devices that emit electromagnetic radiation, with others including appliances, computers, wireless networks and TVs. While the international standards that accompany these devices do provide some measure of safety, many do not protect against the long term effects of radiation on the human body.
How Do Mobile Phones Work?
Mobile phones work on the relatively simple concept of converting the sounds of your voice into a radio frequency (RF) wave. These are transmitted to the nearest radio base station which forwards the signal to the phone network. Here the signal is sent to the recipient's mobile phone where it is converted from a radio wave back to voice. A mobile phone emits electromagnetic radiation every time you talk, text or it makes contact with a base station.
Mobile Phones and Radiation
The major problem with assessing the effect of radiation on the body is that technology is advancing at a quicker pace than the research needed to determine the effects on human health. Long term exposure to electromagnetic radiation has however been linked to leukaemia, Alzheimer's, brain tumours, infertility, cancer, headaches, depression, sleep problems, reduced libido, irritability and stress. The Environmental Working Group (EWG), a US based non-profit organisation that campaigns on public health and the environment, recommends a precautionary approach when it comes to using our mobile phones. This is especially true for children, whose thinner skulls and smaller heads make them more susceptible to radiation penetration.
How to Reduce Your Exposure to Radiation
There are a number of small changes you can make to reduce your exposure to mobile phone radiation:
- Consider purchasing a low radiation mobile phone.
- Minimise call time and consider texting more.
- Use a headset or the speaker function when making calls.
- Only make calls when the call quality is good, otherwise your phone has to work harder to transmit and consequently emits more radiation.
- Children's brains absorb double the amount of phone radiation than adults, so try limiting use when they are in this developmental stage.
- Consider attaching a low cost radiation harmoniser to your mobile phone – this is designed to neutralise the noxious radiation emissions.
Even though your mobile phone may well be your best friend, remember that radiation does carry health risks so be sensible until we know more about this technology and its impact on our health.
Originally published on Mar 15, 2011