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How is Your Engine Running?

Health Tips
Last Updated Feb 10, 2021

How is Your Engine Running?

If your car wouldn't start in the morning, you would have it looked at - right? Maybe it just needs some fuel or oil? Perhaps there is something wrong with the fuel pump or the engine?

Our bodies, just like our cars have many parts that need to be in working order for them to perform well.

The first thing our body needs is good quality fuel, which comes from the foods that we eat. The ideal fuel for our bodies comes from fresh, whole foods such as vegetables, salads, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, fish, eggs and meat. This fuel is then broken down into the nutrients our bodies need to perform all its vital functions.

The energy needed by our body is produced in our engines - the mitochondria. How energetic we feel depends on how much energy our mitochondria can produce. Looking after our hard working little engines is crucial for optimum vitality, ensuring that they thrive and multiply. Mitochondria multiply in response to demand - for example, when we exercise we place energy demands on the cell, the cell responds by increasing the number of mitochondria and its capacity to supply energy.

Energy production is a nutrient hungry process! Mitochondria require antioxidants, found in plant foods to protect them from damage and keep them running well. Adequate antioxidants protect our bodies from rust and premature ageing.

Magnesium is another important nutrient in energy production, and it is estimated that up to 85% of Australians are deficient in this important mineral. Without magnesium the chemical reaction that produces energy in our body does not occur! Other nutrients required in energy production include L-carnitine, B vitamins, lipoic acid, CoQ10 and calcium.

Just like a car we also need to power up our engines with a good quality oil. Omega 3 fats, from oily fish, nuts and seeds, help to keep our cell membranes healthy so nutrients are able to enter the cell easily. They also help to increase the growth of our mitochondria.

The final consideration is how well our fuel pump is working to ensure our fuel is making it to our engines. Our digestive system breaks down our fuel into useable parts (nutrients) for our engines to use. Digestive complaints such as bloating, constipation, wind and heartburn are all signs that our fuel pump is not working as well as it should.

Originally published on Jun 16, 2011

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