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Health Benefits of Astragalus

Health Research
Last Updated Dec 16, 2020

When it comes to herbs, astragalus seems to trump all others. While it's been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine, astragalus is now gaining recognition in the west. In this article we explore the powerful herb and its many health benefits.

What is Astragalus?

As a "Qi tonifying" herb, astragalus has long been prescribed to improve vitality and treat chronic illnesses. Since astragalus contains antioxidants and boasts anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, it is also used to treat a wide range of ailments and conditions.

The leafy, perennial astragalus plant grows in China, Mongolia and Korea. Its root is dried and used medicinally. It is also available in capsules, a liquid alcohol extract and as a topical skin treatment.

In some Asian hospitals, astragalus is available as an injection. A 2002 study found that astragalus injections may inhibit tumour development and improve patients' quality of life.

What is Astragalus Used For?

Here are a few ways astragalus can be used:

  • Protect against diseases such as diabetes and cancer – this has been supported by numerous academic studies
  • Boost the immune system and treat immune deficiencies
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Prevent colds and flu and helps treat shortness of breath
  • Guards the liver and kidneys
  • Reduces night sweats
  • Treat anaemia, by improving a sufferer's blood count.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Astragalus hasn't been proven to have any side effects, though it may interact with other treatments and medication. If you're considering trying astragalus, it's advisable to speak with a TCM practitioner about dosage.

Originally published on May 10, 2013

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