A few years ago, I tried to get serious about my health. Wanting to cure a few nagging ailments, I consulted acupuncturists, spiritual healers, naturopaths and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners. I also tried counselling. Problem was – I always went to the initial consultation and never followed through (sprouting a million excuses, when really I was just lazy!). So I wasn't able to really reap the tremendous benefits of natural therapies. I've since wised up and discovered a few helpful tips for getting the most out of natural health.
Training the Body to Heal Itself
At the core of most complementary treatments is that the body has the ability to heal itself. What this means is that rather than rely on modern medicine for a quick (or sometimes long and drawn out) fix, natural medicine helps to clears blockages in the body so that it can restore itself to full health, vitality and wellbeing.
And since natural therapies take a holistic view of the body – bringing its various systems into better balance – you're unlikely to be cured in just one session. Rather, your therapist will propose a treatment plan and adjust it as you progress. Perhaps another ailment or illness will crop up during that time, in which case your therapist will most likely propose a new treatment or technique to suit. In each session, they'll be focusing on strengthening your body so you become well and healthy as soon as possible.
Communicate With Your Therapist
Setting expectations is very important when it comes to your treatment plan. Your therapist will most likely ask a lot of questions over the phone and/or in the consultation, to get an idea of your health goals and current situation. They'll also help diagnose symptoms and devise a treatment plan to suit.
During this time, it's important to be honest with your practitioner. It's helpful if you've had a think about this before your session. That way, you arrive armed with information, a health history and an idea of what you want to achieve during treatment.
Also ask questions. Your practitioner is there to help, so if you wish to question or clarify anything, don't be afraid to do so. Having a better understanding of your body and how to boost your health will keep you on track and allow you to become more aware of your body and the message it's sending you.
See It Through
It's wise to attend a few sessions with your practitioner, so you can start to see the results. Your health outcomes will depend on the therapy and your reasons for seeking treatment, as well as the severity of your symptoms. But commit to improving your health and wellbeing and you're sure to see the benefits.
Originally published on Sep 16, 2013