You don't often hear people saying, I don't want more out of life, I'm ok the way I am. Most if not all people would like more from life and it's the fine print that differs. Some people want more in terms of career – more money, better job, better conditions, going for your dream job and so on. Some people want more in terms of relationships – a healthy and happy relationship with a significant other, more friends, less fighting or perhaps just more people around. Some people want more for themselves – more self esteem, more self worth, more direction.
There's nothing wrong with wanting more out of life, to the contrary it is not good to not want more out of life if you get my drift. If you aren't wanting more out of life chances are that you're settling for what is and you've stopped going for the best you can get.
The problem is when you only get the same over and over, no matter what area it's in, your standards go down as it's easier to lower your standards than be disappointed all the time. But the problem is when you lower your standards you stop being able to achieve things above that standard.
There's nothing more disappointing at the end of life as when you feel you settled. It's better to risk it and fail sometimes than stop trying all together. But this is why most people settle as it's the risk of feeling like a failure, a no one, a nothing. It puts the brakes on future greatness and having it all.
So what I challenge you to do is take a long hard look at all areas of your life and evaluate is this how you imagined it would be? Could there be improvements or changes that could be made? Are you settling?
If you find you are settling decide right now that you will make your life count. That you will start going for greatness. A great career, a great relationship, a great relationship with yourself. It doesn't mean you have to leave your current job or current partner as when you change, things around you change. But being open to the possibility of there being more, is the key to getting the most out of life on all levels.
Originally published on Nov 03, 2011