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DPP Part 3: It's about how you attract REPEAT clients

Digital Practitioner Program
Last Updated Mar 08, 2022

While the natural health industry has gained momentum as a growth industry, there are a growing number of people learning to become practitioners.

With many different people offering the same sort of services as yourself, it can often be difficult to stand out from the crowd. 

Not only that, but people also have limited budgets, and they might be deciding whether to book a session with you - or buy a product, course, or some other thing that they think might help them achieve their health goals.

This makes it even more difficult to stand out!

But don't worry, it's actually not as existential as you might think. We've outlined below a way for you to not only stand out from the crowd, but attract the right clients that will end up coming back to you over and over again.

It's far harder to win new clients than it is to retain existing ones.

How then can you stand out and attract repeat clients?

The answer is — you need to differentiate yourself and create a compelling reason for customers to not only come to your business, but also continue to visit. This is called your Unique Value Proposition or UVP.

Your UVP conveys to your clients why they should first come to you, and why they should continue to come back. 

As you know, the value of a loyal client cannot be understated. We asked almost 500 people whether they were likely to repeat a service or change it up, and our assumptions were validated:

The most successful clients on Natural Therapy Pages understand the importance of creating a Unique Value Proposition that attracts repeat loyal clients. Below is an example of a powerful UVP by Solutions to Health.

This concise description conveys exactly what value will be provided to potential clients. Readers shouldn't have to search far to understand the benefit they will receive from you. The bullet points make it very clear.

While it's important to see what other people are doing, it's critical to not "follow the pack" and do exactly as they do. This is a very common mistake that health practitioners make in the industry and it actually leads to less new clients that will repeat.

In order to develop your UVP, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What services do you offer?
  2. What products do you supply?
  3. What are the objectives of your business?
  4. What benefits do customers get from patronising your business?
  5. What is the essence of your business?
  6. What makes your business different from others?

The next step is communication - there's no point having a Unique Value Proposition if your audience doesn't know about it. 

Make sure you have a number of mediums through which you communicate your UVP -  including social media, emails, and in your NTP listing.

Originally published on Oct 15, 2020

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