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Distance Healing in the Time of a Pandemic

Online Health
Last Updated Aug 21, 2020

The hullabaloo over COVID-19, a virus attacking the respiratory system and causing close to 5,000 deaths, has resulted in mass hysteria and a massive lockdown in different places across the globe.

Local government units have come up with strict measures to contain the spread of the contagious virus. One of which urges private companies to develop a work-from-home scheme allows their employees to continue performing their tasks in the comfort and safety of their own home.

No one, not even the health department, can foretell the life of the COVID virus and a vaccine for it has yet to be created. So avoiding crowded places, including your office, is one way of protecting yourself from the risk of acquiring the disease.

Aside from that, working from home is one way to restore your health and wellness; just think of the stress you get from commuting to and fro work. Now, you can tag your commute time as the least of your concerns. Enjoy a healthy breakfast and spend ample time to exercise every morning to get your mind and body ready for the day’s work.

In the event you should feel ill or unwell, there’s no need to worry about leaving your home and exposing yourself to potential COVID risk factors. Tens of thousands of holistic health practitioners in Australia offer distance healing that offer the same benefits as on-site healing. Some of the modalities available online include:

Holistic Counselling - A holistic online counsellor helps you connect with your past experiences and understand their association with your current circumstances. This can be performed through an online communication platform because you won’t be required to render any physical activities.

Homoeopathy - This type of therapy treats your whole being, not your disorder. It is grounded in the concept that the body can heal itself, so a homeopathy practitioner employs natural substances like plants in their treatment method.

Mindfulness - Because of the demands in our lives, we tend to let experiences just pass instead of relishing them. A mIndfulness practitioner teaches you to be at the moment, guiding your mind and body to be consciously aware of yourself and your surroundings.

Nutrition - The current flu epidemic poses a threat to our lives as it remains without a cure. According to health specialists, the only way to avoid it is by maintaining a strong immune system. Consult a nutritionist online to seek advice on healthy meal plans that support the body and all of its structures.

Naturopathy - Naturopathy is a type of complementary medicine that treats diseases without the use of drugs or invasive procedures. The health crisis that we’re currently facing as a result of the COVID-19 makes a naturopath more valuable today than ever because they are knowledgeable and skilled at a wide array of healing modalities.

Digital Yoga - Unlike regular gym work, a yoga workout benefits the body, mind and spirit. You’ll find that many yoga enthusiasts aren’t confined to a studio or park; many of whom also find comfort working with online yoga practitioners, hence the term digital yoga.

Psych-K - Short for psychological kinesiology, this method helps you change your set of behaviour patterns and self-limiting beliefs that hinder you from exceeding your abilities and achieving your goals. 

Reiki - This healing therapy works with energy, which cannot be constrained by space or time. An online Reiki master channels good energy and transfers it to you through visualisation.

Hypnotherapy - Distance hypnotherapy is the process of going to a trance or heightened concentration in order to be able to connect with your inner self. An online hypnotherapist guides you to identify past experiences in your life that have an impact on your current situation.

Psychotherapy - A practitioner in this field helps you identify unhealthy behaviour patterns or habits that are holding you back from being the person you want to be.   

You’ll find many other natural health practitioners online who are willing to help you achieve and maintain excellent health amidst the pandemic COVID-19. Most of them conduct their sessions via a secure communication platform such as Skype and Zoom.

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Originally published on Mar 16, 2020

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