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COVID-19 Impact on the Body

Author and Trusted NTP practitioner

Heena Patel

Body in Align

Heena & Body in Align endeavour to take you on a fun and enlightening journey towards pain free living and peak performance.
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Health & Wellness
Aug 12, 2021

COVID-19 Impact on the Body

Our bodies are designed to move! There is no way around this.

Unfortunately, since we have been hit with the COVID-19 pandemic, not to mention the effects of quarantine, our lives have become even more sedentary. Where before we actually had to walk from our parked car or the train station / bus stop to work and back, these days working from home means we only take a few steps from our bedrooms, to the kitchen, to the study. And there we sit all day long with minimal breaks in poor posture. 

Even our bathroom breaks are a mere few steps.

BUT…. Our bodies are designed to move!

Our sedentary lifestyle is slowly killing us, if social isolation doesn't. Our organs are slowing down, our muscles are becoming stiff, tight and weak. Depression, anxiety and hopelessness is rife during this time, which is exacerbated by this lack of movement. Our bodies are meant to move in order for them to function at their optimum.

Coupled with this sedentary lifestyle is the way we sit at our computers, use our phones or watch television -  hunched over, head forward, rounded shoulders, pelvis tucked under (producing a "no ass at all" syndrome). This means compressed and compromised lung capacity.  

Physical inactivity and hunched over posture is a double whammy that slows down body functions and thereby begins to shut it down. The three main systems it effects are:

Respiratory System

Compromised Breathing – sitting hunched over our computers or mobile phones is not doing us any favours; if anything, it ushers in a host of respiratory symptoms and has a negative impact on the natural structure of our bodies. The rounding forward of the shoulders puts undue pressure to our chest which closes in and impinges our lung capacity. We tend to breathe very shallowly, which means we are not getting enough oxygen into our body. When the chest is open with shoulders back, breathing becomes easy and deep – filling up your lungs and body with the much-needed oxygen to feed the brain and more importantly, every cell in your body.

Immune system

Compromised breathing leads to a compromised immune system. And with new COVID-19 infections sweeping the world, we need to build up and boost our immunity, lest we suffer the long-term effects. Vitamins, minerals and a healthy diet of fresh, natural, organic food plays a huge role in building up immunity and so does your posture. Posture plays a huge role in your immunity - Poor posture means poor, depressed immune response. Good posture means good health! Improving your posture gives you a fighting chance of recovery from this aggressive, mutating coronavirus disease.

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system aids the body in eliminating toxins and waste, and protects it against foreign invaders that cause mild to severe illness. However, it requires movement to do so!  The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pumping mechanism like the heart or the lungs – it relies purely on you moving your body! Simple daily activities like a brisk walk gets the lymphatic system to push out those toxins, thereby enhancing the development of your immune cells and boosting your energy.

These are only three of the nine systems in our body that are affected by movement. Each of the nine systems is adversely affected by a lack of movement!

Health Through Motion is the Answer  

Now, think about the effect the slightest change in the three systems can have on the rest of your organs and body! Your body works as a unit. So, altering one aspect of your body has a domino effect on the entire body.

Engaging in regular physical activity has profound, positive effects on your overall health and wellbeing. It will prevent not only minor ailments like the common cold but also serious medical conditions such as heart disease, deep vein thrombosis resulting from blood clots, high blood pressure and mental illness, among many others. Exercise expands capillary networks, creating more blood vessels. As a result, the muscles are able to generate more oxygen and function at optimum levels.

So, start moving today!

Have regular movement breaks. Set your alarm to move for 2-5 minutes every hour on the hour and try a combination of any of the following:

  • Stand pigeon toed (toes touching), hands behind the head, push your elbows back and tighten your thighs. Really good exercise which is the antithesis of hunching over.
  • Stand with your feet pointing straight ahead, interlace your fingers and extend them above your head and stretch up to the ceiling. 
  • 30 Jumping Jacks
  • Hanging – Stand with your feet pointing straight ahead hip width apart. Now roll yourself down until you're hanging. Bring your hips forward so that they are in line with your ankles. Relax your head and your hands. Hang for 1 to 2 minutes. Good stretch for the upper and lower body.

Interrupt your day with these easy exercises to improve all the systems of your body, boost your immunity, eliminate toxins and improve your breathing, as well as reaping their amazing psychological effects.

Book your free 20 minute assessment now and receive a tailored program to improve your health and posture.

FAQs About the Effects of COVID-19

Who is more likely to have severe COVID-19 symptoms?

The percentage of people who develop COVID-19 in a severe or critical form is highest among older adults and those with underlying health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure or heart problems.

What can I do to cope with the effects of COVID-19 quarantine?

Physical inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle can have negative effects on a person's health. Finding ways to keep your mind and body active will help you avoid illness and maintain your wellbeing.

Is it normal to experience pandemic fatigue during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The trend of pandemic fatigue has steadily increased in several countries. People feel disillusioned with following the recommended safety protocols to prevent the virus from spreading. With the COVID-19 crisis continuing, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find effective ways to counter public fatigue and encourage vigilance.

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