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Brain Reprogramming/Reconditioning

Health Tips
Aug 09, 2021

Brain Reprogramming/Reconditioning

It's time that everyone gave some thought about giving their brain a reconditioning just like they give their car an overhaul when it's not performing at its best, even though the car is getting a service every year.

We at Bridger Health Services recommend that the human brain requires an overhaul every seven years, seeing as every cell in the body regenerates into a new cell over a seven-year period. This means that if these cells are not reprogrammed for the future then the new cells carry on as they did in the last seven years (if you do what you have always done then you will be what you have always been). 

What is Brain Reprogramming or Reconditioning?

No one is too young or too old to reach their full potential and improve their quality of life. Reprogramming your brain gives you the focus and determination needed to design a life that gives you meaning, fulfillment and joy. It involves shifting negative thinking patterns moulded by painful memories of the past and stored in your subconscious mind. Reconditioning your mind regularly is essential for brain health as it helps you develop a better outlook on life and keeps you from cultivating negative emotions.  

A brain reconditioning program consists of:

  • Strengthening the Self-Esteem (to support your new life)
  • Building up the Inner-Confidence (to succeed in your new accomplishments)
  • Developing your Assertiveness Skills (enabling you to know when, where and how to perform up to 100% your best)

Plus, a few other added conditioning responses such as:

  • Accepting Yourself (enabling you to know where you are now and to move in the direction you want and need to be moving into)
  • Self Belief (preventing negative thinking from entering into your life)
  • Reinventing Yourself (preparing yourself for what you want/need to achieve)
  • Conceive – in your imagination, what you need to achieve in your future life
  • Believe – totally that what you conceived is what you definitely need to achieve
  • Achieve – then enjoy everything you imagined now you are achieving

All the above will be achieved in four two-hour sessions over a period of four weeks with a fifth session needed to allow the brain to recondition itself and then rewire the neurons (neuroplasticity) to complete the process. Then, a follow-up session to confirm that the program is functioning correctly. Any further sessions needed will be performed at no cost until you are satisfied.

What are the Benefits of Brain Reconditioning?

Working with a mental health professional who specialises in brain reprogramming offers a plethora of physical, emotional and mental health benefits. These reconditioning programs have proved to be excellent for:

  • Health conditions
  • Sport improvement motivation
  • Personal self-improvement
  • Addictions & habits
  • Study enhancement
  • Stress and anxiety

Author and Trusted NTP practitioner

Roy Bridger

Taranaki Professional Hypnotherapy, Counselling & Mind Motivation Services

Roy Bridger is a qualified and registered 'Medical Auxilliary' specialising in 'clinical medical hypnosis'.

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FAQs About Brain Reprogramming/Reconditioning

How do you reprogram your brain to be happy?

To reprogram your mind to be happy, spend more time being thankful for the small pleasures in life no matter how difficult it may seem. Be grateful for waking up to a new day, spending the afternoon with a friend or being able to complete a challenging task at work. Being able to see the good in simple things can change your brain for the better.

How can I remove negative thoughts from my subconscious mind?

If negative thoughts start seeping into your mind, relax, take a few deep breaths and calm yourself down. Get in touch with your mind without engaging with your thoughts. Whenever you find yourself getting absorbed in a thought, acknowledge it and then return to being a mere spectator of your thoughts.

Why is the subconscious mind so powerful?

The subconscious mind runs everything in your life. It stores everything that does not exist in your conscious mind, including your beliefs, experiences, memories and emotions linked to those memories. It also records everything you've seen, done or thought.

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