The healing benefits of honey have a long history. History records show that the ancient Egyptians used honey as an embalming fluid and a dressing for wounds. In modern times, honey is still used for the purpose of wound healing.
Although many of the health benefits of honey are anecdotal and much more extensive research needs to be done, holistic practitioners swarm to honey for their anti inflammatory and anti inflammatory properties.
1. Anti bacterial properties
In 2010, scientist from the Academic Medical Centre at the Universty of Amsterdam documented that honey contains a protein called defensin-1 which was shown to be the protein responsible to kill bacteria.
The Journal of Microbiology showed that Manuka honey can treat chronic wound infections containing S. pyogenes.
2. Honey and Mouth Ulcers
Anecdotal studies have shown that Manuka honey has positive effects on mouth ulcers if placed directly on ulcer.
3. Honey and the Common Cold
Some research shows that honey can have positive results in improving the common cold if given at the onset of the cold.
4. Honey and Antioxidants
Honey is rich with antioxidants so has the ability to ward of free radicals. The darker the honey, the higher it is in antioxidants.
5. Honey and a Sore Throat
Honey has gained respect in it’s ability to soothe a sore throat. A teaspoon of honey in hot water has been found to relieve the pain.
6. Honey and Immune Boost
Honey has been shown to contain immune boosting properties.
7. Leader of the Pack
Manuka honey has additional non-peroxide and anti bacterial components which makes it exceptional as a wound and therapeutic based healer.
If you have any issues or concerns regarding honey, please contact your health care professional.
Originally published on Oct 03, 2014