Sandor Boglari
Clinic at LaTrobe
Clinic at LaTrobe - (CFS, FMS, IDS, ME) Participants wanted for Pilot Program!
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BeechworthFocus areas
What is CFS and FMS?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) exhausts you, both physically and emotionally. You feel stressed by the constant need to simply adapt to everyday life, but you don't have the energy.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is often identical, except for the additional persistent muscle pain.
Statistics To Prove You Are Not Suffering Alone
The prevalence of Chronic Fatigue "Immune Dysfunction" Syndrome (CFS) is silently growing and growing ...
Estimates indicate between 60-80% of those diagnosed with CFS are women.
FMS, being easier to diagnose affects over 5 million Americans, with over 87% being women.
Do you suffer from the following?:
- Loss of healthy sleep patterns
- Hormone imbalance
- Opportunistic infections
- Nutritional deficiencies
Active Targets All 4 Primary Symptoms At Once!
Contact us today! -
My Story || Fees || Products
FREEBIES || Professional Memberships || RETREAT
New Pilot Programs/WANTED || Testimonials
Welcome to Clinic at LaTrobe
with Sandor.
Evidence-based - Outcome Focused - Results Guaranteed Treatments, including:
- Bodywork (Bowen therapy and more...)
- Energy Balancing (new scientific, eg Kirlian photograph)
- Energy Fields (Bioptron light therapy)
- Nutrition & Supplements as well as Glyconutrients & Medical Foods
- Orthotics (International Patent Pending)
- Equine therapy
Ask us about our Eat Right 4 Your Type Diet (DR.D'ADAMO)
We provide non-invasive drug free medical treatments, which can treat the following:
- sports injuries
- stress and tension symptoms
- back pain and sciatica
- r. s. i. and tennis elbow
- neck and shoulder problems
- knee and ankle problems
- respiratory conditions and hayfever
- menstrual irregularities
- migranes and headaches
- chronic fatigue syndrome and m. e.
- pregnancy and childhood disorders
- ...and more!
Feel Free to contact Sandor on 0449 044 049 or email us via the link above for a personal evaluation to find a personally tailored treatment to suit you.
BIOPTRON Light Therapy
Care for population with chronic wounds is a growing challenge.
The BIOPTRON Light Therapy System is a worldwide patented medical device with a specific optical unit emitting polarised, polychromatic, incoherent, low-energy light that employs a combination of infrared and visible light wavelengths considered to be beneficial in the treatment of different types of problems and injuries.
Biostimulative effects of BIOPTRON Light Therapy are the result of synergy between different mechanisms of action:
Wound healing
Chronic wounds are underestimated by physicians and general public alike, yet their prevalence continues to increase dramatically because of the steady growth of the elderly population and because the elderly are at increased risk in respect of the chronic condition predisposing to chronic wounds.
The need to care for population with chronic wounds is a growing challenge that requires innovative approaches.
We believe that the use of BIOPTRON Light Therapy alone and in conjunction with existing procedures could greatly enhance the natural wound-healing process. Furthermore, improved wound healing could reduce the risk of infection for the patient, decrease the number of costly dressings required, and more swiftly return the patient to a preinjury/illness level of activity.
BIOPTRON Light Therapy System provides new insight into the management of leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, burns and wounds following operation and injury. Patients are now able to receive innovative wound-care management. BIOPTRON Light Therapy could offer significant support in conjunction with standard wound-care.
Case Study
Patient was in emergency care in 2011 at Wangaratta Public Hospital, believed and treated for flesh eating viruses for the first 3 days with no improvement.
On second opnion - Dr.Gordon Rennick dermatologist - and a treatment recommendation from Clinic at La Trobe, Patient received Bioptron light therapy treatments in hospital.
After treatment, the bite site significantly improved, the patient was released and continued therapy for further 6 months.
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State of the art healing technique.
Where can I find a practitioner?
For an accredited practitioner or registered Instructor, please contact the co-ordinator of the Bowtech office in your country as listed in this brochure.
Accredited Bowtech practitioners are registered with Bowen Associations affiliated with the Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia.
A strict code of ethics applies to all accredited practitioners.
Clients often report major or total improvement in seemingly unrelated problems that they may have forgotten to mention to the practitioner.
Thanks to the continuing work of Bowtech, the Bowen Technique is now a globally recognised healing modality.
In Australia, Bowtech practitioners now have access to nationally recognised qualifications in Bowen Therapy. Bowtech is the copyright owner of a Diploma of Bowen Therapy and Certificate IV in Bowen Therapy. These qualifications are only available through our approved Registered Training Organisation.
Optimal Health Products
Today, many people actively pursue wellness. They want to stay as healthy as they can for their entire lifetime. How? By giving their bodies what they need to stay at the optimal level of health every day.
Why must we be proactive? Because thanks to thousands of toxins in the environment, variations in soil fertility, processed foods and poor nutritional habits. People are finding it more challenging to sustain optimal health. Many may, in fact, feel fine even though their body is gradually losing the nutrients it needs to maintain optimal health.
The Optimal Health Products work at the cellular level, where wellness begins. They nourish and control each of your body, 600 trillion cells and can help, support the bodys natural ability to protect and maintain cellular function.
These unrivaled products for health maintenance also promote effective communication between your cells, sending and translating messages that signal your system to remove toxins, wastes and foreign materials, while at the same time letting you take in oxygen and nourishment.
Herb Garden in a Capsule
Main Ingredients
- Barley
- Celery
- Garlic
- Nettle
- Parsley
- Papaya
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Wheat
- Green Tea
- Kombucha
- Ginseng
You know that most of these herbs, you or your forbearers used them continuously for hundreds or thousands of years. And for more than just the taste or aroma. But especially for their natural healing powers. You know it is true. Twenty or Thirty years down the track, when problems appear in your body, you can't say: did not know, nobody told me, I could not do anything about it. Now that you know and recognise it, all you have to do is test it for 3 months, and be the judge of it. If nothing changed; nothing lost, since for a few dollars per week, your body received some most needed herbs that you would not be able to purchase or consume in its normal form, for the normal price.
As you finish your 3 months test, take notice of the improvements in your immune system and measurable changes in your circulatory/cardiovascular system. Experience the changes in your respiratory system, digestive system, urinary, and reproductive system. See the effects in the integumentary system and endocrine system. When you experience improvements like more vitality and the less frequency of infections, you know it works! You can be on and off from it as your body requires to stay in balance or be in homeostasis. You will feel an undeniable experience of some of the more hidden benefits.
Your blood test will provide some of the positive and empirical evidence.
If not, just move on. But the fact is that your body needs these herbs in their MOST PURE and POTENT synergy combination. Our Promise is that we will deliver you these HERBS for your undeniable benefit! Try it, Taste it, Test it. You be the judge of it, not someone else; telling you to feel this way or that way. We challenge you to take these herbs to the task to keep you more Potent and Vital, provide you a quality of life, no matter what chronological or biological age you are happen to be.
These packets/capsules are available only in a limited quantity. To avoid disappointment, make your 3 months commitment to yourself and order. Prices and availability can be secured to only those who are dedicated to improve their health for the long run.
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Reasons to visit our clinic/Retreat,
If you filled out your quick health Q. & marked 2 or more areas, it should be ample reason for booking.
Our unique services are research & evidence-based, outcome focused, result guaranteed modalities.
Your initial consultation/assessment is also your 1st treatment, including Body works. Your 2nd visit within 5-7 days provides you a plan, need to know techniques, dietary advice (based on Dr D Adamo research) exercise, & much more. If interested we also have available seminars/workshops.
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The Retreat
A true RETREAT on an altitude with its own Microclimate, -four season, pure air - at winter the snow only 30-55 min. away, without the harsh weather .- Our clinic focuses on a holistic approach, evidence-based , drug free medicine, fully outcome orientated, and all treatments money back guaranteed.
Our aim is to find the root of your problem, not just treating the symptoms.
If you need a truly unique escape, for an exchange of a "hotel" stay this is it. You can do as much, or as little as you like, while learning much about your health and well being.
Let us know how can we help, please call on 0449 044 049
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► Flat fee for assessment / 1st visit $105 (including some research time) +$55 for body works.
Testing by referrals/medicare founded.
► Natural Medication/Supplements $25+
► Body Works $75 - $95 ,
You are in control - We prioritize
Special rates:
For Pensioners, People with special circumstances, Students, Free children sessions(must book) .
Making appointments:
Phone messages can be left by using our recorded message service on 0449 044 049 all hours, or book in a stay on 0449 044 049.
NO risk money back guarantee on treatment even for first visit .
Private Health Fund Rebate: If you have PHF membership you may be able to receive a rebate on your treatment .
How to find the clinic:
See map below - free car park.
Pick up from airport $35/person if 2 or more persons, Wodonga Railway Station $30/person if 2 or more persons .
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BOOK now for a stay on 0449 044 049 and receive FREE foot assessment + free attachment plus much more - just ask .Thank you for now , looking forward to meeting you, until next time, regards, Sandor.
1.Free body balance treatment for children under 10, -booking required-;
2. Free foot assessment
3. free, short phone consultation on your health questionnaire if called 11.30am-12.30 pm;
4. Ask about our latest promotions when & as they come up.
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(Please, print this, fill it out, scan and email it back to us)
Registration Form / Health Questionaire
New Pilot Programs/WANTED
Wanted people with auto immune disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and M.E.
For free registration please visit www.clinicatlatrobe.com.au/patientregistrationform and fill out the questionnaire.
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My Story
Over 25 years ago at our sons birth major complications incurred: 20 + hours in agony, refusing to provide "epidural"- request of ours after the first four hours passed - waiting for "natural birth" poor boy got stuck, slipped back, further hours past, unwillingness and denying my requests to call second opinion and under constant barrage of requests to approve use of forceps - meanwhile my wife past it all, unable comprehend even to communicate in English.
Finally they shown some sense/mercy and remorse for her suffering and called on a well known old specialist, he only took one look and a examination and said it very quietly; theater now. When the obstetrician wanted to object /question it he repeated the same words, with a tone that couldn't be ignored anymore.
Results, boy perfect, mother dying within the upcoming 6 months infections after infection an emergency operation by our neighbour found, the fallopian tube was twisted, rotting and about to burst, if it wouldn't be our neighbour persistence - a highly acclaimed qualified obstetrician - she would have died, since the registrar and another surgeon was waiting for the "cyst "to burst.
Further 6 + months waiting to see a specialist in Sydney and a $1000/ visit all she could state that what medicine can provide her, she received the best of it, and for me; to take the practitioner who done this to the medical board.
Being both Jehovah's witnesses we/I declined the option of vengeance and set out to find a solution for my destitute wife.-She was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue - The following research, mistakes and results and an inability to afford the special needs made me what I am now a practitioner who guarantees his work and will not charge if is not evident that the treatment is effective from the moment it starts.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story, she has no longer fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue and working as a therapist in her own clinic although with some health problems still in evidence.
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Dr. Bahadorreza Ofoghi
I hereby recommend Mr. Sandor Boglari as a Bowen Therapist. I have known Mr. Boglari from 2005 since when, I have received treatment from him, especially in regards to my lower back pain. On each occasion, after Mr. Boglaris efficient treatment, my back pain and discomfort has been reduced by a significant portion. In my case, each treatment session would only take less than half an hour; however, the effect would persist for much longer terms. I believe Mr. Boglaris Bowen therapy is useful treatment and relief, especially for those who suffer from chronic muscle pains and muscle tensions. I also appreciate Mr. Boglaris professionalism and passion for his practice.
Armita Zarnegar
Research Scientist, AgriBioScience Centre, Latrobe University
I first met Sandor Boglari in 2006 when I was suffering from a chronic neck and back pain. He
offered two free treatments for me to see the effect of Bowen Therapy. In the first session, I
realized that the technique is not similar to what I have seen in other physiotherapy/chiropractic practices. He was performing small precise hand movements which in some points of my body
caused a jumping sensation. Incredibly, after the second session, the pain stopped but I kept
getting the treatment. My symptom did not come back at all until a few years later I had
another accident which triggered the pain. I started Bowen Therapy again and after a few
sessions, the result was amazing and pain was gone.
I highly recommend Sandor and his technique to anybody who suffers from a chronic pain. I
have seen others who were treated and got the positive results as well. He not only has a
sound knowledge of Bowen Therapy but also has a broad range of knowledge in other area of
natural supplement and therapies.
- Member of Victorian Institute of Teaching
- Queensland College of Teachers
- Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia
- Bowen Association of Australia ,SAFE .
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