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How to Naturally Treat Yeast Infection

Last Updated Sep 01, 2021

How to Naturally Treat Yeast Infection

Up to 75% of Australian women have experienced a yeast infection at some point in their lives. Whilst there are many over-the-counter medications available from your local pharmacy, they often offer only short-term relief and are followed by a repeated infection that comes back with a vengeance. Thus more people are choosing to use natural remedies to treat vaginal yeast infections. Please read on for more information.

What is a Yeast Infection?

A yeast infection can be defined as an overgrowth of yeast and usually occurs in the genitals. It is a fungal infection of the candida bacteria species, most commonly known as candida albicans. Although vaginal yeast infections, otherwise known as vulvovaginal candidiasis, are not sexually transmissible, the risk of developing an infection is higher among sexually active individuals. 

What Causes a Yeast Infection?

In order to maintain its natural balance, the vagina is naturally inhabited by candida albicans and healthy bacteria. If this balance is disrupted, the fungus starts to grow excessively and infections occur. While women with weakened immune systems are believed to be at greater risk of infections, the following are also possible causes:

  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Stress
  • High levels of blood sugar
  • Antibiotics
  • Birth control pills
  • Tight clothing around the crotch area
  • Douching
  • Feminine deodorants
  • Pantyhose
  • Foods that feed yeast such as sugar, refined foods, yeast, etc.
  • Non-cotton underwear
  • Prolonged periods in hot baths, spas, etc.

What are Yeast Infection Symptoms?

The common symptoms of vaginal candidiasis can manifest in the vagina and on the labia minora, which is the folds of skin surrounding the opening of the vagina. These symptoms include:

  • Vaginal itching and burning
  • A thick, white, cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge
  • A burning sensation when urinating
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Redness and swelling of the vagina

Cracks in the labia, flaky vaginal discharge and recurrent yeast infections are additional symptoms and signs of a severe infection. If you're experiencing any of these, seek professional help immediately. 

What are Natural Treatments for Yeast Infections?

Self-medication can be harmful as a yeast infection can easily be mistaken for a bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or dermatitis that exhibit similar symptoms. On the other hand, using a prescribed antifungal medication may ease the symptoms of the infection, but it won't stop the growth of yeast. A healthcare provider who specialises in vulvovaginal candidiasis may be the answer to your prayers as they can help you find the best natural remedies for yeast infections and other associated health issues. These treatment approaches are as follows:


Probiotics are by far the most popular natural method of preventing and treating yeast infections. They consist of “friendly” bacteria: live microbial organisms that naturally live in the vagina and gastrointestinal tract.

Probiotics control and heal a yeast infection by inhibiting other harmful bacteria (such as Candida) that may be causing the infection itself, and by replacing the good bacteria that may have been wiped out by medications such as antibiotics.

Foods, such as Kefir, natural yoghurt and other fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, are naturally rich in probiotics. They are also available in vaginal suppositories, but most choose to take them orally in capsule or powder form.

Plain Yoghurt

Plain, cold yoghurt has been used for centuries to naturally heal a yeast infection. Its healing properties are attributed to its high probiotic content. It can be beneficial when eaten or applied topically or on top of a tampon before insertion.

It is imperative to buy unsweetened yogurt, as sugar will only feed the infection and worsen your symptoms.

Tea Tree Oil

Whilst science has yet to demonstrate its effectiveness, tea tree oil has been anecdotally reported to relieve symptoms of a yeast infection. Its healing properties have been attributed to its key ingredient, terpinen-4-ol.

Note that it is essential that the tea tree oil be diluted appropriately before applying to the affected area topically.


Garlic is one of the most effective home remedies for a yeast infection. It carries both antifungal properties and immune-boosting qualities, and protects against further production of yeast in the body. It is most often taken in capsule form, but cloves may be eaten raw, boiled in hot water as a tea or inserted into the vagina for instant relief.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar may be used to combat yeast in the body by restoring the gut's natural balance of good bacteria whilst keeping the growth of yeast like Candida in check. It is best taken orally, but may be added to a warm bath to treat symptoms topically (1 cup to the bath is recommended). Do not apply the apple cider vinegar directly to the skin. Whilst it will kill the yeast, it is a very strong substance and will likely burn and irritate the skin.

How Do You Prevent a Yeast Infection Naturally?

The problem of vaginal yeast infections is so widespread despite being very easy to prevent. Check out below the bulleted list of the musts and mustn'ts to avoid killing the good bacteria in your vagina that's supposed to keep everything balanced.

  • Make sure to take probiotic supplements when using antibiotics
  • Choose cotton underwear instead of the synthetic variety
  • Avoid very hot baths, pools and hot tubs
  • Avoid scented feminine products such as hygiene sprays, tampons and pads
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes 
  • After working out or going for a swim, change to dry, clean clothes immediately
  • Urinate after intercourse to flush out bacteria near the vaginal area and prevent urinary tract infections
  • Avoid eating refined carbohydrates and eat more whole foods
  • Have your healthcare provider check your blood sugar regularly 

If you are interested in finding out more information about which natural treatment for yeast infections may best suit your needs, please speak to a health store professional, naturopath or pharmacist.

Originally published on Jul 06, 2010

FAQs About Treating Yeast Infection

Is cranberry juice good for yeast infection?

Yes, it is. Yeast infections may be treated with cranberry juice. According to numerous reports, it prevents recurrent yeast infections, and it reduces the frequency and severity of these infections. Cranberry juice contains high levels of vitamin C, which can help with many infections, including respiratory infections.

How do I clean my yeast infection?

An ice pack or a cold bath can help alleviate itching. It is advisable to wash your vaginal area no more than once a day using plain water and unscented soap. After vaginal cleansing, let the area air dry.

What probiotic is best for yeast infection?

Lactobacillus acidophilus is known to be the most effective strain of probiotic when it comes to maintaining a healthy vaginal balance. Besides L. acidophilus, the lactobacillus rhamnosus and lactobacillus reuteri strains are also important.

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